Sep 28Liked by Jan Wellmann

But rather than decentralizing the centralized world model of control, don't we need a truly new social contract where we the people hold Big Business (legal fictions) and the key people behind them accountable for what they do?

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In order to create such a social contract we need leverage, and we don't have any as long as we live via the rules and limits of a centralized reality. Rather than trying to change a rigged system, change our individual reality first, replacing basic dependencies with own resources, step by step.

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We cannot solve our systemic challenges with the same thinking and doing used to create them. For a new social contract that's from the ground up, we will need a new way of thinking and doing that's not based on control but there is ZERO funding in that and our way of life has also been institutionalized, particularly since the Nixon shock https://bit.ly/3FNHUsS

Systemically centralized in a few (somewhat) invisible hands, funding is also based on KPIs for pre-determined outcomes so your focus on decentralization is utter nonsense. This book on using "Other people's money, and how the bankers use it" was written in 1914 by Brandeis, Louis Dembitz, a lawyer and associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1916–39): https://archive.org/details/otherpeoplesmone00bran

1914 was when World War I started.

The year before, Frederick Winslow Taylor's principles of scientific management: “In the past the man has been first; in the future the system must be first” was piloted on Henry Ford's opaque factory assembly line “silo” model. 1913 also saw the founding of the Federal Reserve, the US Bureau of Internal Revenue and the Rockefeller Foundation.

Did that pave the way for the 1919 Versailles treaty which likely led to the founding of even more "legal fictions" (including the League of Nations - the first worldwide intergovernmental organization with the principal mission to maintain world peace in 1920, the Council on Foreign Relations in 1921 and the Bank of International Settlements 10 years later) on Henry Ford's factory assembly line model?

Did the Great Depression then bankrupt America to make the acceptance of Fed notes work for FDR’s 1933 New Deal?

The Road We've Been Travelling Since https://medium.com/@crowdpowers/hidden-in-plain-sight-a5807aaebecc

In case you have also not researched social contracts:

"Rousseau was not only a key figure in the Enlightenment, but probably the most popular and widely read intellectual revolutionary in France. Nevertheless, “La Volonté Générale” (the “General Will”), which appears in his influential book Du contrat social ou principes du droit politique, (Social Contract) is nothing more than a utopian dream.6

He wants to create the creature that is in tune with the needs of modern society and follows the political path outlined in the General Will and established in the Social Contract.

However, it must be stressed that the General Will does not represent the majority of the people but only that of the privileged few who supposedly know what is best for the welfare of the nation. Man voluntarily hands over his individual will to the General Will, which knows best what man’s priorities are.

The irony of the theory is that the General Will does not represent the majority of the people, but only of the enlightened few." https://www.iwp.edu/articles/2017/12/11/the-legacy-of-the-french-revolution-rousseaus-general-will-and-the-reign-of-terror/

“At its core, the social contract is the implicit relationship between individuals and institutions.” McKinsey https://mck.co/3fNutj7

Through the alchemic use of fiat in the Business-As-Usual (BAU) world model of control, a few powerful transnational companies now dominate every link of the food supply chain: from seeds and fertilizers to slaughterhouses and supermarkets to cereals and beers. https://portside.org/2021-07-21/true-extent-americas-food-monopolies-and-who-pays-price

At the U.N. 4th World Conference on Women in Beijing in September, 1995, Catherine Bertini, Executive director of the U.N. World Food Program, even declared: "Food is power. We use it to change behavior. Some may call that bribery. We do not apologize."

Doesn't that bring to mind what Lord Acton said from long long ago? "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men."

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Jan this is all great information. Unfortunately it is too late in the game. The prophecies in the Bible are fulfilling fast now. In the next few years you will see beings come from other worlds (Like the watchers in Noah's time) to help Satan continue to his war here on earth. I recommend reading Esras Eagle to follow the timeline that has been set.

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