The examples you gave are great. Even Pavlov found that after stopping the shocks, the dogs that folded to it remained in the cage, even though the shocks persisted. It was learned helplessness, like in the POW camp example.


Relationships are no different than following society. To fit in with the crowd, one naturally gives up a part of their own selves in order to be accepted. This is a natural response and Gurdjieff said that the worst thing is to lie to one self.

Lying to one self is how many who proclaimed my body my choice or freedom ended up folding and getting the jabs.

The left forgot my body my choice.

The right, like Jordan Peterson forgot that governments lie and manipulate (he said get the damned shot and took a long time to realize it was bullshit).

This is lying to one self. This is living in an illusion world built by said cognitive dissonance!

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True. Read a lot of Gurdjieff in my youth, big influence. Thanks for the feedback Rob.

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Sep 4Liked by Jan Wellmann

This is amazing and so helpful! Thank you for sharing. I will be rereading this, to really absorb it all. So much resonates with me! Especially how our authenticity is so healing!❤️

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Refreshing, stimulating


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