I noticed the increased use of the term "White supremacy" as the go to slur to eliminate any opposition to basically anything the intersectional critical race theorists want to push. Globalist social "justice" warriors also know this phrase makes most people very uncomfortable. It creates doubt, division, fear, hatred, ignorance and an inability to think beyond the slogan itself . It's why this term has been constantly pounded into the public's mind for a few years now.

The "supremacist" smear is designed to demoralize and defang any true resistance to another global phenomenon as well, the Great Reset. It is very effective at preventing a unified opposition because the term drives division among everybody. The global elites have determined the biggest obstacle to implementing their Great Reset is, freedom of choice, an idea that is largely associated with the West which is mostly "white". It's the supremacy of the idea of Freedom of Choice that is the target. And the goal is a cashless society ,complete control over the finances of the world population. Banks, under direction of the New World Order/Great Reset or how ever you want to phrase the coming global "community ", will decide who gets paid, what they can buy, who gets to eat or pay rent. There will be no appeals, if you are deemed a "threat" by virtue of wrong think you will be cut off ,unpersoned and you will starve or be "re-educated". Businesses who do not toe the line will be “unbanked”

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Alas, it’s really that crazy

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How do you destroy a nation from within?

It's engineered. By those who see us as their enemy.

Every major event today makes sense only by assuming we are under attack from the inside. And it starts with words, because words shape thinking.

I will never comply with commonly accepted words that are oppose to their meanings. "Liberals" are pseudo-liberal fascists. "Progressives," regressives. The "Inflation Reduction ct" is the inflation enhancement act. I'd use "unsocial insecurity," but so few will get it I won't bother. But "bank secrecy act"? I call it the fascist banking act for lack of a better term.

Words are everything.

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In '1984' Orwell explored the reduction of language scenario with the concept of 'Newspeak'. Whoever controls the present controls the past. Whoever controls the past controls the future. Nothing was ever bad, simply 'ungood'. Nothing wase excellent simply 'plusgood' including 'novel writing machines' to render literary classics into Newspeak'...an exercise for ChatGPT would be to rewrite Shakespeare, Cervantes, The Bible, Ovid, Homer, The Bhagavad-Gita, et al using non-binary pronouns and non-gender-specific names and designations. War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength! Woo-hoo!

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Well articulated article. Too far East is West

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Cancelling not only words but languages and even nations

Speaking from Ukraine during genocidal war

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I am subliminally hotwired against the woke culture and I instinctively balk at the cancel culture which at the core ascribes to a grey homogeneity in a multi faceted universe

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the article about language.. lived it. and all constructionsabout it interrests me anyway

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