Transgenderism: Why It's Time To Bark At Pronouns
Language Is Changing Rapidly to Normalize The Absurd. Don't Let It.
Scotland recently passed a law allowing 16-year-olds to change their gender without medical approval or parental consent. Other EU countries are following suit at breakneck speeds.
I sat with a group of fellow earthlings, sipping morning coffee, and couldn't help but wonder aloud if Sir William Wallace, also known as Braveheart, would have approved of this new definition of "freedom" had he seen the future seven centuries ago. Or whether William's alternate, Wilhelmina Wallace, pronouns she/her, would have taken up the sword against Edward I with freshly injected, synthetic female hormones coursing through her veins.
BLEEP! A loud alarm blasted me from the collective field. I had transgressed a sensitive topic with callous disregard for repressed minorities.
It's A Verbal Minefield Out There
The reaction from the group was a mixture of suppressed disbelief and shock. Some pretended I hadn't made that remark in the first place. One middle-aged gentleman took up the courage and expressed the group sentiment with a touch of rouge on his cheeks.
"You people," he said, "why don't you say it? You hate trans people!"
I was surprised, primarily for not being surprised at his remark. The pandemic had indentured me to all kinds of bizarre commentary. Besides, hate hadn't been profitable for me for over half a century, so I'd given up that business long ago. I also couldn't think of anyone else who "hated trans people," per se. Who does that sort of thing?
Still, to avoid any more bleeping, I had to clarify my stance. I support everyone's right to define and express gender in any way they see fit, as long as it comes from a sound mind and body, of its own volition, without undue external influence such as psyops, and doesn't interfere with anyone else's rights, identity, or property.
In a few years, when it's biologically possible, I will also be a pro-species-crosser with the same caveats. I'm not joking. We best prepare for species jumpers early. Judging by the latest catwalks, they're already preparing us for the shift.
Sticking to the present reality, I can't help but wonder if there's more to the controversy surrounding transgender and pronoun controversies than a sudden collective passion for minority rights.
In the extreme case, when a depressed prepubescent kid on hormone replacement therapy is about to get sliced up in a transgender clinic and expects it to be the path to his true identity and happiness, it smacks of a hard bypass on logic and compassion.
Recently, I listened to one former NHS nurse - seemingly in her full wits - detail a novel birth technique through a penis. She did specify "male penis," which I thought was redundant, but so be it.
She was terrified at what kind of absurdity "they" would throw at her next. She had a daughter in her teens who was already confused about her gender based on a gender quiz that her teachers had given her.
Is it possible that some kids confuse anxiety and insecurity - the standard puberty fodder - with gender issues because they were told so by authority figures and personalized newsfeeds?
Let's think about this.
Why are so many teachers, doctors, nurses, and youth counselors suddenly throwing quizzes and language at kids that normalizes the absurd and stigmatizes those who don't accept the new "normal" fast enough?
The crux of the problem is that the parents for whom it's all "happening a bit too fast" don't dare to speak out, and the rest of the general population avoids commentary for fear of retribution.
Silence ensues.
We've already seen the dangers of silence during the pandemic and how it accelerates the normalization of the absurd.
This is why it's time to start barking, asking questions, and looking for suspects other than "minority rights."
Suspect #1: Testosterone & Lifestyle
It's no secret that testosterone plays a role in developing a solid sense of self and the courage to defend it. But did you know it's also essential for sex drive, physical appearance, immune function, energy levels, muscle mass, cognitive function, motivation, and sleep?
On the other hand, low testosterone can lead to fatigue, insecurity, neuroticism, oversensitivity, depression, and a lack of sexual desire - all red flags commonly seen in many people who are vocal about their pronouns.
In the past 20 years, testosterone levels have dropped by nearly 25%. While this may not be enough to distinguish between a drag queen and a UFC fighter, it's significant enough to suggest that we should shift the focus of investigation from pronouns to hormones.
There are several reasons for this collective decline in testosterone. Modern nutrition often consists of processed foods, sugar, preservatives, glyphosate, microplastics, other toxins, and seed oils while lacking in minerals, whole foods, organic meats, and healthy fats. Even foods that appear healthy today don't have the same nutritional value they once did due to industrial farming. A standard vegetable today, for example, is mostly water and sugar, which means a "healthy vegetarian" is often an undernourished sugar junkie. All of the above contribute to lower testosterone levels.
Our unhealthy lifestyle choices also contribute to the problem. A lack of physical activity and exposure to the elements, poor sleep quality, a lack of purpose and meaning, an overabundance of comfort, and distractions also take a toll on our testosterone levels. The average kid today is a dopamine junkie who can't ignore their screen for longer than 2.5 seconds... If there is a sugar treat available. Sugar, in a way, has also gone mental lately.
In contrast, discomfort and self-discipline - such as tough training and resistance - can boost testosterone. And let's not forget the importance of bonding behavior.
Suspect #2: The Perils of Flirting
It's a sad state of affairs when flirting, a crucial aspect of procreation, virility, masculinity, and femininity, becomes suspect.
Young men today are afraid to approach women for fear of being labeled a predator, a label exclusively reserved for creepy old dudes only a decade ago. And women are quick to accuse men of preying just by looking at them.
Let's not forget that not only are behavior and belief systems influenced by sexual hormones but also - and especially - the other way around. A consciously manly mindset produces oodles of testosterone, which feeds back into behavior. This is future biology, so don't bother to fact-check it.
As a cliff note, men, did you know that talking to an attractive woman for just five minutes can increase your testosterone by 14%?
Women: not all men are predators!
To both: Flirting is not synonymous with predation. It can, in fact, be more enjoyable than a bag of kittens.
Suspect #3: Bad Algorithms
As I was being accused of hating trans people, I remembered something Joseph Campbell wrote about the art of listening - to pay attention to both who is speaking and what is speaking.
"You people!" is a common, angry phrase that reveals what exactly? Anger? Jealousy? Division? Shame? Pride? Insecurity?
Where do these emotions come from? Newsfeeds, probably. And who controls the feeds? Algorithms.
What if an AI program had massaged this gentleman and others like him with personalized news and social feeds primed with Schwabian transhumanism?
If we look closer, we can see how the concept of minority rights is being exploited to destabilize our sense of identity on multiple levels. It's not a random process. Just think about the recent controversial topics that have sensitive triggers. Gender. Race. Nationality. Family. Climate. Even BMI (Body Mass Index) is getting hot as obesity is going through a normalization process.
Press the wrong button, and it's BLEEP! Then it's BOOM. And on the third strike, you're canceled or de-platformed.
Do a simple Google search for "minority rights" organizations. You get a Niagara of acronyms, from Antifa to BLM, from LGBTQ to ILGBTIA, all fighting for the "right cause," "for the people," but also systemically dividing people into smaller subsegments that grind against each other with all sorts of provocative demands in the name of, here we go again, "rights."
Take the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), which suggests that age restrictions for transgender surgeries should be lifted entirely as part of "new international guidelines." Sorry, what guidelines are those? What are they really after here? Are they just trying to protect people's rights, or is something else going on?
We should question more.
Sir William Wallace, aka Braveheart, would probably have a thing or two to say about all this. He fought and died for minority rights, after all. But he was different in one significant aspect. For one, he wasn't systemically psyopped, misfed, and comfort-cocooned in a synthetic reality.
Sir William was a man's man. He ate real food, trained hard, and loved passionately. He was full of natural testosterone and life force. He lived a life of intermittent fasting, intermittent training, and intermittent loving without ever having heard of biohacking. All of these fortes made him a threat to the ruling class.
And herein lies the rationale for a century of identity deconstruction with fake foods, bad algorithms, and imitation rights.
Where Is Today's William Wallace?
The good news is that kids today operate at a higher clock rate than ever in history - if they are not overly suppressed by bad chemistry or behavioral programming. They grasp reality better than their parents because their CPU is faster by design. It's called evolution, and it's what scares the shit out of the dinosaurs who run the world.
The handful of people who pull the puppet strings of our social fabric - the government, media, healthcare, education, and military - have cemented their control over the masses through psyop mechanisms for quite some time. The prerequisite of this control is identity deconstruction, pitting one group against the other for some virtuous, however fake, cause.
Lately, these control mechanisms have been taken over by intelligent algorithms. The Roman strategy of "divide and rule" has been exported to wizardly AI that can predict your behavior with less than 30 "like" expressions.
Without mass surveillance, a global military, and a near-omniscient intelligence apparatus that has infiltrated every aspect of mass media since the 1970s, topped with AI-controlled social platforms that predict and manipulate human behavior en masse, these dinosaurs would be toast by now.
They know it.
They know that any kid with a standard clock rate could design a better-functioning, fairer world, with enough nutrition, energy, water, and material resources for every earthling, than their best brains. But it would require a sharing model that would wipe out dinosaur wealth.
Ergo the war against the William Wallaces of the future, the need to strip us of our identity, whether by sex, race, or belief system.
Ergo the arbitrary pandemic decrees and protocols designed to impoverish, weaken, and disempower.
Ergo the fake foods that enervate and intoxicate.
Ergo the imminent arrival of centralized digital currencies that allow absolute command over the rebellious spirit.
Ergo the transhumanist brainwashing and divisive language.
Ergo… the need to bark.
Barking symbolizes the need to bury the dinos, to pass the baton to the next generation, with all the power and freedom on Earth to do as they wish. Today's kids deserve it.
So speak out. Question the boloney. And bark.