From Aura to Algorithm: The Search for a Universal Healing Principle
Mechthild Rex-Najuch is a leading natural medicine practitioner in Northern Germany who uses a special form of frequency medicine to identify and deal with the root causes of chronic disease.

When she was five years old, she tried to heal her mother by shaping the colors of her aura. Three decades later, she came across machine algorithms that mimic nature’s healing principle. Today, she combines both natural and machine-made fields to stretch the possibilities of non-intrusive medicine.
Imagine an intelligent species of fish debating the existence of water. For the majority, water doesn’t exist because it’s simply not there to be seen. A minority believes that water may exist but in some type of paranormal dimension. And just a small handful of fish can see and feel the flow of the water, but keep it a secret, for fear of appearing weird.
Mechthild Rex-Najuch was a rare fish by the time she was five.
Not only did Mechthild see the aura of a person, but of everything that was alive. When she walked out in the forest, the leaves, branches, blades of grass bled like watercolor on canvas. The aura seemed chaotic at times, but it sought order, like a fractal kaleidoscope opening new vistas, or a river rushing towards the sea.
When the energy was blocked, the aura hit a bend, the colors dimmed, the river slowed down.
That’s how she knew her mother was ill.
“Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease.”
― Hippocrates
It is not uncommon for gifted kids to see the aura, but the talent usually fades right around puberty. Mechthild was an exception. The visions only became stronger as she developed herself. The irony was that her talent connected her with everything but her kind.
Mechthild grew up in a tiny village near Bremen, Germany. There were only five houses with 30 adults living next to the forest. The adults all had their individual aura, often revealing secrets that Mechthild kept to herself. She was already considered “a bit too creative” by the tiny community.
When Mechthild sensed her mother’s decline, her first instinct was to try and patch up her broken aura. She found plants in the forest that contained the missing color spectrum. She made herbal tea and ointments out of them, tending to her mother’s aura with brushstrokes.
Despite brief remissions, her mother kept getting worse. She was eventually diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.
One day an electro-acupuncturist treated her mother. It was as if the river broke through the bend. Her mother lit up, began to walk and talk. For two days, everything was as it should be. Then she relapsed. The light was still there, just not inside her.
A few days later the light departed, too.
“We know today that man, essentially, is a being of light.”
― Prof. Fritz-Albert Popp
At school, Mechthild painted, played music, danced, wrote stories, studied herbs and dabbled with the occult. She wanted to be everything and everywhere – although often alone.
She got better at reading people and places. By 15, she was able to leave her body and read people remotely.
After graduating, she studied physiotherapy and met a biologist who recognized both her talents and isolation. He recommended she study quantum physics, which she did. Along with shamanism. Magnetics. Gems. Electrotherapy. Martial Arts. Dance. Herbal medicine. Biology. Anatomy. Histology. Craniosacral therapy.
The founder and visionary of the California Craniosacral Institute, Hugh Milne, was puzzled by Mechthild’s non-stop craving for learning.
“What are you waiting for, lady? You have everything you need. What am I supposed to teach you?” Milne wondered.
Mechthild wanted to comprehend the human energy field on a practical, scientific level. She tried to tie it to other medical disciplines but found little help. The experts in new medical fields weren’t trained to think of the body as a connected system. They were like blindfolded men trying to describe an elephant by fumbling at its tail and trunk, Mechthild lamented.
When she finally opened up her first clinic in 1993, she combined it with a dance studio, a martial arts gym and a library. She had two black belts and a dozen diplomas from medical and alternative therapy fields. Although she hated to promote herself, the clinic took off very quickly, because her clients raved about her.
People who had seen several doctors for their chronic conditions felt seen and understood with Mechthild, often for the first time. The trust she developed with her clients was the first step in healing. Lab reports would mostly confirm what Mechthild already saw and felt from their fields.
She combined a broad spectrum of methods, focusing on her hands to redirect energy where it was needed most. She made it clear to her clients that she wasn’t healing anyone, she was simply aligning the body to have the energy it needed to become self-healing. Her ability to see the bend – the interruption in energy flow – became her signature mark.
Over time, she began to detect a pattern. She kept a detailed record of every client, what method worked, when and why. Everyone was vastly different energetically, with individual archetypal rhythms, speeds, phases – but there was also a universal principle underlying the healing process. Nature had a way of continually reorganizing the vibrations by shifting between chaos and order.
Was there a universal healing principle that could be employed at will?
“Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies.”
― Albert Einstein
Biologists have argued about the secret that drives life since the beginning of, well, biology.
Modern medicine sees human functionality at par with a machine. By breaking the body down to its chemical components, we can figure out function and behavior. Disease comes from an intruder, a mutation or pathological microorganism, which can be fought with chemical or surgical countermeasures.
Energy practitioners believe that matter and behavior is a manifestation of energy flow. Disease is about hindering the flow.
Today, this conceptual divide is stronger than ever between modern medicine and energy medicine. One seeks to eliminate symptoms and the other to deal with the energetic causes.
In the late 19 century, time and circumstance favored the machine perspective. After millennia of religious subordination, we were ready to replace an invisible and dogmatic god with nuts and bolts logic.
Copernicus had flung Earth from the center of the divine to the edge of stardust. Newton had descrambled the behavior of physical objects, planets and human limbs with calculus. Darwin had erased doubt with the theory of evolution, random mutations and natural selection.
The mechanistic belief system shaped the modern world, especially the world of medicine, by declaring it the only real science.
In 1910, the Carnegie Foundation commissioned a single gentleman, Abraham Flexner, to standardize medical education and practice under a scientific standard. The report that Flexner wrote abolished the bulk of energy medicine. Collective knowledge from homeopathy to naturopathy, from acupuncture to Ayurveda, became foreign to the modern medical paradigm. Medical education, regulation and licensing followed the modern monorail, which saw the human body as a complex machine that could be patched up when broken. “Alternative” practitioners were increasingly discredited and delicensed in the post-Flexner century.
Other developments supported the mechanistic view. When Crick and Watson discovered the DNA helix in 1953, we began to regard genes as the new Supreme Overlords of organisms.
Western medicine became the fourth largest industry in the world with state-of-the-art chemical intervention and surgical technology – but something profound was lacking from its promise.
Chronic disease rates continued to accelerate over the century until they hit a remarkable milestone. Today, for the first time in history, chronic disease is the norm and health is the exception.
In America, noncommunicable chronic diseases account for 88 percent of all deaths, or nearly 3 million people per year. More than 80 autoimmune conditions have been identified as “new” and “incurable” in the last decade. Half of the men and forty percent of women will have cancer in their lifetime. One in five suffers from anxiety or depression. The list goes on.
Why, in the age of modern science, are humans sicker than ever before in history?
I asked Mechthild the question in September 2018, during an interview in Hamburg, Germany.
“We got disconnected,” she answered without pause.
“In nature, we never see anything isolated, but everything in connection with something else which is before it, beside it, under it and over it.”
―Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Energetic disconnection. Tens of thousands of records from clients spell the same story. What makes Mechthild’s documents particularly unique, is that they are not just her observations but also hard data in the form of digital algorithms that measure hundreds of millions of variables in the human energy field.
The “digitalization” of her practice began 18 years ago after an accidental meeting with a group of biophysicists from Germany, who were experimenting with the therapeutic potential of weak electromagnetic fields of cells and living organisms. They called the principle Vitalfeld (German for “vital field”).
The meeting changed her life. It put her on a path that merged science and energy healing with a practical, reproducible and measurable effect.
Simple frequency generators were popular in the late 19th century, used for various ailments like bone fractures, pain and inflammation, before biophysical principles were sidelined by Flexner’s report.
The new biophysical pioneers saw 21st-century restart for biophysical medicine with novel computer algorithms that could influence the human field in a manner that had clinical value.
Isolating the therapeutic field was a massive undertaking, both theoretically and technologically. The system needed to measure and generate an unprecedented spectrum of frequencies, ranging from a few cycles per second to hundreds of Gigahertz, while eliminating interference from other types of radiation. It meant figuring out the emission spectrum of every cell, organ, microorganism and their relation to each other.
The new biophysicists weren’t building the idea from scratch. They collected and dissected a century worth of research and experiments from forgotten archives, buried legacies, forgotten innovators. They stood on the shoulders of forgotten giants, such as Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp and Nikola Tesla.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
―Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla’s universe, made entirely of energy and waves, was too far out for the newly born mechanistic world in the 1880s. Although Tesla’s innovations transformed a century of electronics, his biophysical concepts of reality failed to capture a wider audience.
Four decades later, quantum mechanics revealed that what was going on inside the atom was vibrations inside 99.9999999999996% emptiness. It stood to reason, then, that molecules, cells and the rest of the human organism are made of the same stuff. Knock on wood. What seems like solid matter to the knuckles, merely is high vibrational energy.
The German biophysicists saw through the wood, along with a handful of international biologists and physicists.
One of them is the father of epigenetics, Dr. Bruce Lipton, whose own epiphany came after he observed a cell without DNA function normally – supposedly an impossibility under classical biology. Lipton’s study eventually relegated DNA to a protein blueprint, good enough to build bricks, but not to build houses.
Independently, both Lipton and the Vitalfeld physicists worked on the same conundrum. What really governed cellular behavior? The answer would redefine the reality of the human health equation.
Lipton analyzed the cell’s behavior through an electron microscope and discovered that all the important decisions come from the cell’s membrane, the thin layer that surrounds the cell and acts as both a brain and an antenna of the smallest living entity. The membrane decides which proteins to fold based on the signals it receives from the environment.
The Germans observed the same cellular interaction in the biophysical realm by measuring the cell-environment interference directly. They could see the epigenetic aspect of life before Lipton coined the word.
The environmental signals – which covers everything from nutrition and chemicals to electromagnetic fields, sounds, light, radiation, our thoughts and emotions (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Theta frequencies) and also the fields of other organisms, fauna, flora, and nature itself – is the architect.
Chemistry alone is too slow to explain the realtime complexity of life. Even DNA shapes itself according to environmental signals, a key factor of adaptation and survival.
The Vitalfeld breakthroughs brought together top experts from various fields – physicists, doctors, biologists, energy therapists – to help realize the practical applications of a new frontier of biophysical medicine.
One of them was Mechthild.
“Not only is the Universe stranger than we think, it is stranger than we can think.”
―Werner Heisenberg
“The first thing I told them (Vitalfeld team) is that I didn’t like machines. I explained that there are two fields, one is from the body and the other is not, and it takes a lot of work to bring them together. A machine could interfere in that work,” Mechthild remembers.
She was very skeptical about machines that could potentially replicate her handiwork.
The biophysicists were familiar with the skepticism from energy healers. To connect their thinking, both sides had to stretch their language. The biophysicists thought in numbers while Mechthild thought in pictures and feelings. Mechthild described what she saw and felt in specific therapeutic fields while the engineers developed new algorithms for the machine.
Over the following decade, the bridge between the “non-verifiable,” abstract parts of energy medicine, slowly dovetailed with scientific reality.
Then, one day, she got to test one of the first Vitalfeld machines directly.
“I open this large box and inside is another box with a power cable. No manual. It was called MitoSan. As soon as I plugged it in, I was attracted to it. It changed the room.”
One of the first fields that Mechthild tested with a machine was related to the craniosacral pulse, a pattern known and used mostly by osteopaths. The pulses originate from cerebrospinal fluids (CSF) that course through the brain and the spine, down to the sacrum. Mechthild’s hand tapped into the CSF field instinctively. She believed that CSF carries a special significance for people whose health issues are primarily trauma driven.
The Vitalfeld team programmed the CSF spectrum into the first machine. Mechthild observed the effects of the new algorithms on her clients.
“I hid the machine under the table so my clients wouldn’t be distracted by it. Some of my clients looked up at me, puzzled, asking how I could touch them without touching them. That was the general reaction.”
The reaction from her clients changed her mind about machine-generated fields. They were as real as her own.
“Lady in her 50s, Anna, with 20 years of arthritis, ankles swollen, came in. I could feel her pain just by looking at her. I decided to give her the machine first, just to test it. I could see it shift her field, just like with my hands.”
She placed a biotrode, a specially designed antenna, under Anna. After about half an hour, her ashen face seemed to come back to life. It was the first time she experienced painlessness in two decades.
When Anna’s pain came back three or four days later, Mechthild would repeat the treatment a few times, until her improvement became permanent.
“When cells get the energy they need, they start fixing things, which means accessing even more energy. This is why sometimes we feel worse before we begin to heal. It’s known as the healing crisis.”
After two months of meetings, Anna’s arthritis was gone, for good.
“The first experiences marked a major shift in my practice. The field that I had worked with my hands could now be replicated and measured by a machine. In a sense, I could be there for my clients even when I was not there. It spelled endless possibilities,” remembers Mechthild.
“We are always doing. We’ve become human doings rather than human beings.”
―Mechthild Rex-Najuch
In chronic disease, the body doesn’t have sufficient energy to counter the cumulative stressors – toxins, stress, nutrition-poor diets, etc. – from a modern lifestyle, thereby undermining our natural ability to self-heal. The key is to bring energy back in the system, so the body can regenerate again.
The Vitalfeld team knew that nature’s frequencies are regenerative by design. They had a lot to learn from nature.
Vitalfeld combined Schumann resonances, for example, as a base carrier in many of the therapeutic algorithms. The Schumann resonance is a planetary wave, generated in the upper layers of our atmosphere by lightning that feeds the planet with an extremely low frequency (ELF) band, a spectrum that begins at 7.83Hz. This frequency also happens to match human consciousness at the optimal alpha brain wave state.
Schumann resonance is a typical example of a natural rhythm that we miss in city conditions when we are insulated with concrete, asphalt, rubber and soles.
Insulation from Schumann resonances has been shown to cause fatigue, migraines, brain fog, mood changes and cellular degeneration. But reintroducing the same vibrations – even when generated by machines in insulated areas such as cement homes and offices, underground facilities and space stations – can cancel out the negative symptoms.
In 2009, Nobel laureate and HIV co-discoverer Dr. Luc Montagnier used Schumann resonances to successfully organize random strands of DNA in a remarkable experiment that tested the ability of water to retain genetic information via electromagnetic frequencies. When Schumann resonances were absent, the DNA was unable to reorganize itself.
Schumann resonance generators are today being used to counter the slowly accumulating degenerative effect from electrosmog, such as cell phones, wifi routers, and other manmade microwaves. Yet, Schumann resonance is only a fraction of the massive bandwidth of natural frequencies that have a regenerative effect on our body, mind, and spirit.
Today, Vitalfeld mimics and combines thousands of therapeutic algorithms.
“The variability and range of natural frequencies that we are exposed to correlate with our health. Vitalfeld made the natural fields available in therapeutic, controllable situations, for the first time,” said Mechthild.
The list of fields that were relevant to our wellbeing grew exponentially over the following decade.
The Vitalfeld team developed a new generation of devices that could scan any material samples into digital spectra.
Every material has its signature frequency spectrum. Any combination of frequencies can be relayed back into the human field in a waveform, opening up a new universe of therapeutic possibilities. Orthomolecular substances that are administered in both pill and waveform, for example, enhance the metabolic update dramatically (in the case of C-Vitamin, up to 300 percent faster).
But there was still the question of how to diagnose a patient, to determine what localized fields they needed for optimal regeneration.
In 2005, the idea to take a snapshot of the entire human field – to see what’s actually going on in the human energy equation – became real.
“Here is the amazing thing: the caterpillar and the butterfly have the exact same DNA. They are the same organism but are receiving and responding to a different organizing signal.”
―Bruce H. Lipton
The Vitalfeld team had been working on a diagnostic application for over seven years. The first model came out in 2005 and was called Global Diagnostic (GD).
The GD was both an instant hit and an instant mystery to traditional practitioners. Everyone loved its speed and accuracy, but few understood the principle.
Mechthild: “Most diagnostic solutions work based on the data that we give them about a client. The GD starting point was to give the machine as little information about the subject as possible. It wasn’t programmed to discover disease or symptoms, but to measure how well the body was communicating itself.”
The GD produced frequencies in the 1 Hz – 1Ghz range to map the energy efficiency of the body. In a healthy body, the organs, microorganisms, muscles, bones, cells would show high resonance.
Think of a pair of tuning forks separated by a space, such as a room. The closer their frequencies match, the higher their resonance, the more dynamic is their exchange of energy and information. Ergo, the low resonance areas picked by GD in a human body point to current or potential problems, because that’s where energy flow is not optimal.
“We did endless field tests. The practitioners couldn’t believe how closely the diagnosis corresponded with actual health issues,” remembers Mechthild.
The GD scan lasts less than 10 minutes, but it gives astonishingly accurate results. Yet, both traditional energy practitioners and modern doctors have a hard time grasping its principle.
Mechthild was asked to train the first group of practitioners for GD. Most of the 120 people in the conference room – doctors, physiotherapists, general therapists – were dumbstruck by her presentation. But even the hardest skeptics became interested in digging deeper when they tested the device for themselves.
The GD could spot issues that blood tests would miss. Things that clients had never told anyone else. It would map specific bacteria, parasites, toxins, and environmental chemicals that were stressing the system. It could detect energy variations in the endocrine, metabolic, cardiovascular, urogenital, reproductive, lymph, and immune system, along with 610 vital objects such as specific organs, vessels, and bone structures. It spotted allergies, inflammation, and sensitivities that clients didn’t even know they had, along with gut microbial balance, metabolism, toxic loads, and other stressors that affect energy flow.
The latest GD tracks over 200 million data points in eight minutes and connects directly to a new generation of therapeutic machines that can reproduce the spectra of over 12,000 substances in the human system: minerals, vitamins, nutrients, herbs, plants, micro-nutrients, homeopathic and ayurvedic medicines.
Individualized, non-intrusive, preventative medicine became real with the introduction of GD. Since then, Vitalfeld practitioners have adopted diverse ways to apply the frequencies to a broad range of conditions, from chronic diseases, sports injuries, skin disorders and depression to burnout.
Today some 3,000 clinics use Vitalfeld applications, but biophysical medicine overall is still largely unrecognized by mainstream practitioners. New practitioners are mostly heard about Vitalfeld mostly by word-of-mouth.
After its century-long suppression, biophysical medicine is finally reaching a critical mass, however. Modern doctors begin to recognize the speed and accuracy of frequency measurements.
In late 2018, the Vitalfeld team introduced a new generation of machines. The frequency ranges have much wider latitude and can work in parallel. Units have also gotten smaller and less expensive. One of them is a portable device called E-Relief that packs precise Schumann resonances, digitalized substances and fractal frequencies to counter the most common modern stressors like electrosmog or jet lag, support sleep and regeneration and counter pain without the use of opiates. Therapy can be localized with an optional biotrode.
New clinical trials are also coming out, one of the most interesting ones being in the field of fertility. A prominent clinic in Innsbruck was recently able to increase the longevity of sperm cells by up to 35 percent by using targeted frequencies for no more than 10 minutes at a time. This is crucial because the DNA degradation of sperm and egg cells is the first casualty of environmental stressors such as electrosmog, which is partly responsible for the dramatic decline in fertility rates.
Biophysical medicine is beginning to make its mark, although the grapevine is still more of a whisper than a buzz. A critical mass of early adopters is needed before revolutionary technologies can become mainstream. The inertia of adopting new paradigms has delayed the popularization of electric motors (invented in 1821) and telephones (invented in 1876), for example. When it comes to biophysical medicine, we are finally nearing a critical mass of users who accept a more complex, connected universe, where we can be fully in control of our own health and destiny.
Once a year Mechthild travels to Tanzania, where she often hangs out with a local Masai tribe.
“The Masai are naturally connected to nature, grounded with their bare feet. They have a way of saying, ‘if you don’t listen, you don’t learn,’ something our experts in the West could benefit from as well.”
The Masai lifestyle encapsulates the promise of biophysical medicine.
“I call it co-regulation. This is what my practice is about today. Helping people get re-connected, inside and outside. It’s what health is all about.”
Jan Wellmann